Steam Over Sweetwater

Steam Over Sweetwater (S.O.S.) is a table-top role-playing game about a tight-knit steamboat crew taking dangerous work on an endless river plagued with gangs, giant snapping turtles, and the occasional magical object.  It’s Swamp Opera, River Punk hijinks with a strong tendency toward violence and plenty of room for character depth.

Steam Over Sweetwater is a work in progress. It owes its core design elements to and would not exist without the Powered by the Apocalypse system and the generation of games inspired by the brilliant Apocalypse World by Meguey & Vincent Baker.

We are particularly indebted to the cyberpunk game The Sprawl by Hamish Cameron and Lillian Cohen-Moore whose influence can be seen throughout S.O.S. Other games we were inspired by include Dino Island, Masks, and Monster of The Week.

Share S.O.S. with friends and help improve it by providing feedback. We also welcome donated art inspired by S.O.S.—no AI work, please.